Our Funders:
Dances For A Variable Population is supported by public funds from the National Endowment for the Arts, and by the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of Governor Kathy Hochul and the New York State Legislature. DVP also receives public funds from the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs and the New York City Department for the Aging, in partnership with the City Council and Manhattan Borough President Mark Levine. Special support is provided by Council Members Shaun Abreu, Erik Bottcher, Shahana Hanif, Christopher Marte, Althea Stevens, and Julie Won. With additional support from Alpern Family Foundation, Inc., Brooklyn Monthly Meetings of the Society of Friends, Leibowitz and Greenway Family Charitable Foundation, and Jody and John Arnhold.
Our Donors: (2021-2023)
Stuart Aaronson, Helena Albuquerque, Martha Andujar, Lisa Andujar-Ray, Rosaire Appel, Barry Loewer and Katalin Balog, Rhetta Barron, Geraldine Bartlett Rubin, Karen Beja, Tsipi Ben-Haim, Barbara Bernardo, Raeann Bessellieu, Linda Ronan and Beth Bidlack, Sarah Bierman, Patricia and Jerome Bloom, Margaretta Bobo Goines, Lucille Boddie, Judith Brister, Patty-Hooper Broughton, Susan Brown, Elizabeth Calderon, Gloria Callahans, Rita Carrington, Vienna Carroll, Faith Catlin, Alison Cattan, Bria Chakofsky-Lewy, B. Chandra Chandrasekaran, Kathryn Chapin, Carolyn Chave, Rosemary Clough, Phyllis Cohl, Sandra Cohn, Jarlath Conroy, Victor Coronel, Teresita Cuadrado, Antonia Daly, Amy Davies, Roslyn Davis, Bryanna Dean, Donna DiNovelli, Fredrick Dodnick, Kathryn Ann Donaldson, Mary Doty, Josie Duckett, Bertha Duncan, Bernard Ehrhardt, Noushin Ehsan, Brenda Eisbey, Alice Ellerbeck, Brian Ellerbeck, Joyce and Bob Evans, Ellen Feinstein, Ann D Feldman, Amy Hass and Richard Fine, Susan and Michael Fisch, Karen and Richard Fixler, Richard Fine, Robert Floersch, Jill Forger, Susan Fortgang Schecter, Sandra Frasier, Deborah Freedman, Tania Freeman, Regina Galleher, Danielle Garcia Gay, Mary Giffin, Elizabeth Gilmore, Elspeth Gilmore, Ronnie Ginnever, Karen Goldberg, Meredith Goldman, Barbara Good, Ines Greenberger, Myrna Greene, Stephanie Guelpa, Patricia Guilloton-Laming, Carolyn Halpin-Healy, Kathleen Haskins, Susan Heitner, Joan Herbst Shapiro, Sue Herman, Etta Hines, Martha Hodes, Nancy Horwitz, Anthony Howell, Terry Lacuzzo, Elissa Iberti, Sandra Indig, Anita Jaffe, Joan Jeffri Keller, Marion Jeffries, Brenda Jones, Holly Jones, Judith Josephs, Monika Jouvert, Cecilia Justo, Cheryl Kamen, Gloria Karpas, Dorothy Kaslow, Stephen Katz, Lynda Kenney, Teddy Kern, Grace Kessler Betts, Libby Kessman, Nancy Keystone, Hae-Ja Kim, Sheila Klein, Pamela Knowles, Kaoru Komi, Lucy and Clyde Kuermmerle, Naomi Goldberg Hass and Brian Kulick, Maryanne Kuzniar, Robert Small and Phyllis Lamhut, Heidi Latsky, Susan Learner Barr, Paulina Lederer, Alison Lee, Kaela Lee, Bobbie Leit-Schwarz, Christiana Leonard, Merrill Loomis, Marcia and John Lowenstein, Yuan Lu, Marcelina Lyew, Patricia Lynden, Josefina Lyons, Chuck Macdonald, Elspeth and Nick Macdonald, Ellen Maddow, Audrey Madison, Maria Maldonado, Joan L. Malin, Berrell Mallery, Elisabeth Mann, Marvin Mansky, Jackie Margolis, Frieda Marshall, Alicia McDonough, Bettie McRae, Christa Meadows, Carole Mehlman, Allen and Elizabeth Mellen, Celia Michaels-Evans, Dana Minaya, Marjee Mobley, Carolyn Molotchev, Marcia Moore, Diana Moyler, Julia Mueller, Diana Musa, Jeana Musacchio, Sandra Rivera and Peter Myette, Marian Nakada, Jannie Nesmith, Barbara Nessim, Chris O’Sullivan, Annegret and Dunbar Ogden, Margaret Olds Richards, Susan Priver and Henry Olek, Jane Opper, Suzanne Opton, John Owens, Lorraine Owens, Brenda Pace, Stasia Pasela, Kathryn Grody and Mandy Patinkin, Sabrina Peck, Deborah Perry, Jennifer Phillips, Barbara Pierce, Jennifer Prince, Toby Prince, Gordana Rashovich, Betty P Rauch, Charlene Ray, Nancy Regalado, Sonia Robbins, Linda Mevorach and John Rockwell, Judy Rogers, Bryony Romer, Jill Rosenbloom, Donna Ross, Roslyn Ross, Erika Roth, Frances Sadler, Cecily and Jack Salzman, Francine Santagata, Coralie Saulson, Ingrid Scheib-Rothbart, Marta Schmidt, Holly Schneier, Irit Schwager, Alan Seiden, Jacqueline Shabot, Yungchang Shangkuan, Joan Shapiro, Martha Sherman, Laura Friedman and Paul Shneyer, Karlan Sick, Ruth Silver Taube, Judyth Silverstein, Diana Simkin, Nobuko Simon, Barbara Sinclair, Carol Smith, Judith Solomon, Pat Sopiak, Johanna Sperling, David and Elizabeth Steinglass, Joyce and Ralph Steinglass, Catherine Stern, Adrienne L. Stith, James Sullivan, Sue-Wan Sun, Christiana Suton, Barbara Tanzman, Patricia Taylor, Sarie Teichman, Jordan Thaler, Valerie Thomas, Marnie Thomas Wood, Gail Tipton, Kathleen Troy, Michelle Van Vlaanderen, Joan Vermeulen, Gay R Vervaet, Constance Vidor, Molly Waite, Barbara Wallace, Dynell Weinthal, Lauren and Andrew Weisenfeld, Sandra Weiswasser, Carol White, Penny White, Margaret Whitfield, Jill Williams, Frances Wills, Vicki Wojcik, Jeffer Wolfson, Peter Nakada and Ellis Wood, Raegan Wood, Victor and Jo Yohay, Margaret Yuen, Susan Zigouras, Abby Zonies, and Barbara Zucker.